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giant chess

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et laoreet odio, a faucibus nibh. Morbi id vehicula erat. In sed dui tortor. Phasellus nisl nunc, luctus pretium suscipit at, ultricies eu metus. Donec id consequat est. Suspendisse eleifend tempor purus vel mollis. Curabitur imperdiet, velit in iaculis aliquet, diam massa egestas eros, placerat semper magna lorem hendrerit augue.

Open Day Book an open morning
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King Edwards celebrate record A-Level results

We are pleased to announce our best ever set of A-Level results

This years class have shown excellent determination and we are all incredibly proud of their efforts

We are thankful to our wonderful staff for their help and support

We wish you all the best of luck in your future studies and careers

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