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Author: Olivia Stevens

Outstanding Achievements in the UKMT Senior Challenge

20th October 2023

In the recent UKMT Senior Challenge, 46 of our pupils put their mathematical prowess to the test. The results were impressive, with an admirable 25 medals awarded, including an outstanding 7 gold medals. Among the recipients were 2 remarkable Pre-6th Form pupils, Hongming G and Masaya Y, who displayed exceptional aptitude and determination. What makes…

South Africa Cricket Tour!

20th October 2023

16 of our boys from King Edward’s Witley embarked on a 12 day cricket tour to South Africa on the 13th October. The boys have been having an amazing time playing cricket against local teams, exploring the sights and much more. Here is a round up of everything they have done in the first week!…

In the Press: The diversity of Independent School Sixth Forms

21st September 2023

The Evening Standard recently published an article featuring our very own Head of Sixth Form, Mr Ian Peel. They compare the differences between Sixth Form in both the state and independent sector and the pros and cons of each. Naturally, Mr Peel, championed the King Edward’s Witley approach and highlighted the many advantages and opportunities…

The Drive for Sustainability

15th September 2023

The events that unfolded during the summer of 2023 left little room for doubt β€” if any remained β€” that the climate emergency is undeniably upon us. With record-breaking temperatures morphing into devastating wildfires, and cataclysmic floods wreaking havoc worldwide, the imperative for us to confront the impact of humanity on our delicate planet became…

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