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Author: Natalie Dimmock

New Artist in Residence

5th November 2020

Miss Emma Trussler has joined the King Edward’s Witley Art Department as Artist in Residence. Miss Trussler was a pupil at King Edward’s before completing her Foundation Art course at Chelsea College of Art, University of London Art. Achieving a BA in Surface Design at London College of Communication, University of Arts London and a MA in Design Fashion…

COVID update from Deputy Head

31st October 2020

As you may be aware, the UK Prime Minister announced a new national lockdown earlier today, scheduled to begin on Thursday 5th November. He also emphasised the principle of keeping all young people in education and therefore intends to keep all nurseries, schools and universities open. I wanted to keep parents, staff and pupils informed…

Live organ recital from Old Witleian Jozef Gaszka

9th October 2020

The Guildford Music Society at GURC was formed in 1992 to make music of a high standard widely available. It is the music society of the Guildford United Reformed Church. Besides engaging well-established artists, the society encourages the many talented young musicians of today and wishes to foster the love of, and interest in, music…

Roche Court Art Trip

28th September 2020

On Monday 28th September, our 5th Form went on a trip to the local Roche Court gallery. “The weather was again on our side to visit such a beautiful space tucked away in such a stunning location, there was so much to see throughout the day, with pupils really engaging and getting involved with each…

Careers Sneak-a-Peek – UpSkill Me

24th September 2020

The first speaker in the Foundation for Life Sneak-A-Peek Speaker Series was guest speaker, entrepreneur, and old Witleian, Lucy Cranwell-Ward. Lucy’s presentation, focusing on entrepreneurship, was presented to our Upper and Lower Sixth Form last week. Lucy gave pupils insights into different career pathways, as well as tips in finding the career path that is…

Our first virtual Sixth Form Options Evening

23rd September 2020

We are delighted to announce that our very first virtual Sixth Form Options Evening taking place this evening and hosted on our website, is now live – please click here to view the full page.  Our live Q&A will start at 18.30 on the live YouTube stream and run for about half an hour. Your…

Watts Gallery Art Trip

22nd September 2020

On Tuesday 22nd September, we visited the Watts Gallery, and it absolutely lived up to its name. The grounds and galleries were beautiful with the weather on our side. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed their day, looking at all exhibitions that were on offer that day, we also had the wonderful opportunity to take a look…

New Head of History – Mrs Phillips

1st September 2020

Megan Phillips has been appointed Head of History at King Edward’s, effective from September 2020. Mrs Phillips first joined King Edward’s in 2017 as a History teacher, prior to this she taught at Tiffin School in Kingston, where her role included Acting Head of Department and teaching A-level history at the boys’ grammar school. After…

Back to school update

10th July 2020

      Dear Parents and Guardians, As promised in my last communication, I am writing with an update on our planning for pupils’ arrival in School at the end of the summer break.  Everyone at King Edward’s looks forward to welcoming all our pupils at the start of next academic year and particularly all new…

Pupils celebrate outstanding IB results

6th July 2020

Despite the challenges and disruption that COVID-19 has caused for schools everywhere, the Upper Sixth pupils studying the International Baccalaureate now have reason to celebrate as they receive their IB Diploma results today. They have demonstrated tremendous resilience with over 43% achieving 6 and above (equivalent to A*and A at A-level) and 74% gaining 5…

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