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Author: Natalie Dimmock

Sixth Form Wine Tasting

20th March 2021

On Saturday evening, 20th March, our Sixth Form boarders were invited to take part in a wine tasting event as part of their Sixth Form co-curriculum activities. The event was held for the Sixth Form to give them an opportunity to learn about wine and its relationship with food in an appropriate fashion. A total…

“Your Careers Future in…” Sports

19th March 2021

As part of the ‘Your Careers Future…’ series hosted by our Careers Department, Jason Thomas, Regional Recruitment Manager at UCFB, talked to Elite Performance Pathway 3rd to Sixth Form pupils about his careers journey, and careers in sports more generally. Jason grew up in Fulham, London and explained how he struggled in school, only excelling…

King Edward’s joins Teen Tips

18th March 2021

King Edward’s has had a Pupil Wellbeing Committee since 2019 which is dedicated to improving the mental health and wellbeing of all pupils.  The Committee is lead by Deputy Head and Safeguarding led Mr David Corran, and supported by Head of Learning Support and SENCO Mrs Zoe Marsden, Deputy Head Academic Mrs Zeba Clarke, Medical…

Living Through History

16th March 2021

Last week the History Department, in collaboration with the Development Department, presented ‘King Edward’s: Living through History’. A total of five Old Witleians, including both former staff and former pupils, zoomed into History lessons to speak to the pupils about their personal experiences of some of the events pupils study. These sessions shared a unique…

“Your Careers Future in…” Performing Arts

12th March 2021

The latest in the “Your Careers Future” series of talks focused on careers in the Performing Arts. Two speakers from different areas of the Performing Arts industry talked about their journeys in their careers, and well as tips and tricks on how to succeed. First to speak was Philip Glassborow, writer and director. Starting off…

COVID Update from Deputy Head

7th March 2021

Monday 8th March – Return to School Timings: We shall be staggering the return of pupils on Monday morning to allow us to meet with each group to welcome them back and to remind them of the rules and guidelines in place at school. All day pupils must go through the temperature scanner at Piccadilly…

Richard Roberts (1931-2021)

4th March 2021

We are sad to share the news that former Head, Mr Richard Roberts (1980-1985) passed away on 15th February 2021. Mr Roberts family have confirmed his funeral will take place this Friday, 5th March, at 11am at St Bartholomew’s Church, Orford. Given the COVID restrictions that are still in place, only family is able to…

Digital Free Day

3rd March 2021

From midday 2nd March 2021, all pupils were encouraged to move away from their computer screens for 24 hours. With the temporary switch to online learning, most pupils were spending the majority of their day staring at computer screens, and the School decided it was important for their physical and mental wellbeing to give them,…

COVID Update from Deputy Head

28th February 2021

Dear parents and guardians, Two months is a long time in education (as Prime Minister Harold Wilson never said)….. Since your child was last in School, momentous changes been playing out across the country and across the world. Paradoxically, though, many young people’s domestic lives have followed a more limited and repetitive routine dominated by…

COVID Update from Deputy Head

23rd February 2021

Dear parents and guardians, Many of you will be aware of the UK Prime Minister’s announcement today of a “roadmap” for the release of restrictions imposed by COVID. The first and most important aspect of his plan is that all pupils will be able to return to School on Monday 8th March. Face-to-face lessons will…

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