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Friday Feature: Henry, QMH

19th January 2024

How long have you been a pupil at King Edward's Witley?

I have been a pupil at King Edwards Witley for one term and a quarter now.

What is your favourite thing about King Edward's Witley?

My favourite thing about King Edwards Witley is the friends I have made and also the fun lessons!

What is your favourite memory at King Edward's Witley?

My favourite memory at King Edwards Witley is the time when we were having the 1st Form boys’ sleepover when all the 1st Form boys were sleeping in some of the dorms with us.

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are running, drama, reading, and cooking (although I’m not the best at it!)

What do you want to be when you leave King Edward's Witley?

When I leave King Edwards Witley, I would like to be an actor or a paramedic.

What is your favourite film/book?

I don’t have a favourite film, but my favourite book is ‘The Boy At The Back Of The Class’ by Onjali Rauf.

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King Edwards celebrate record A-Level results

We are pleased to announce our best ever set of A-Level results

This years class have shown excellent determination and we are all incredibly proud of their efforts

We are thankful to our wonderful staff for their help and support

We wish you all the best of luck in your future studies and careers

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