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Bridewell Talks an evening with Jazz Carlin

We are delighted to invite you to our series of Bridewell Talks; aimed at sharing ideas and putting the spotlight on mental and physical wellbeing.

The first in our 2021-22 series is ‘Inspiring the next generation’ – an evening with Jazz Carlin will take place on Thursday 16 September from 7.30pm. Jazz will be giving a talk aimed at Prep and Primary School parents. Spanning a 23-year career Jazz is hailed as one of Great Britain’s most successful swimmers of all time. A double Olympic Silver Medallist from Rio 2016, Double European and Commonwealth Champion.

There is no charge for this event and refreshments will be provided. To book your ticket, please complete the form below. Alternatively simply email, or telephone the Marketing Manager, Ms Gail Knox-Wilson, on +44 (0)1428 686727.

Please confirm number of attendees.

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King Edwards celebrate record A-Level results

We are pleased to announce our best ever set of A-Level results

This years class have shown excellent determination and we are all incredibly proud of their efforts

We are thankful to our wonderful staff for their help and support

We wish you all the best of luck in your future studies and careers

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