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Tudor: Helen Read OW 2009

15th October 2024

What are your best memories of KESW?

My main memory from school was the diversity of opportunities that were on offer compared to where I would have had to go otherwise. And I made the most of it, taking part in all the sports, DofE, choir, drama and choosing IB so I could continue more subjects after GCSE! In hindsight, I probably didn’t do such a good job of each of those things, but I would have got bored if I’d specialised in maths and science too soon.

Where did life after KESW hold for you?

I went to Cardiff University to study Civil and Environmental Engineering, graduating in 2013 before starting at Laing O’Rourke where I have worked ever since. I now build major infrastructure that impacts millions of people’s lives, including Tottenham Court Road Elizabeth line station, and Hinkley Point C nuclear power station. I’ve recently moved to Oxford to build a research institute and cancer treatment centre. I still love learning and my company funded me to do a MSc at Cambridge University, where I never thought I’d get in! I possibly underestimated full time work and study simultaneously, as the dissertation didn’t leave much space for a social life! 

Outside of work, I mostly love being outdoors, and continue learning every possible skill I can find, having learnt rugby and kitesurfing at uni, I now paddleboard, paraglide, snowboard and climb, as well as craftier pursuits which were also sparked at KESW, such as crochet, knitting and sewing. 

Personal highlights include my sabbatical where I drove to Turkey and back solo and did a ski season in Japan; cycling from Faro to Lisbon round the Portuguese coast; cycling the length of Wales, and paddleboarding from Bristol to London. 

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