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Head Girl Feature: Emily Cracknell

24th May 2024

Introduce yourself - who you are, where you live and where you were born

I am Emily Cracknell, I am in Lower 6th in Elizabeth House. I was born in Kingston, but I have lived in Hindhead for most of my life.

What qualities do you think a Head Pupil should have and what do you have to offer as Head Girl?

I think that a Head Pupil should be approachable to all pupils and have a genuine interest in knowing all the members of the school community. As Head Girl, I will aim to be a role model to younger pupils. I would like to see everyone at King Edward’s Witley get the most out of their time at the school, in and out of the classroom. One of the reasons I have loved my time at the school so much is that I have thrown myself into almost every opportunity I have been given, and I want to encourage others to do the same.

Summarise yourself as Head Girl in 3 words

Approachable, passionate, motivated.

How long have you been a pupil at King Edward's Witley?

I have been a pupil at King Edward’s Witley since 3rd Form (4 years) although, my first year at the school was mainly spent on Zoom!

What's your favourite thing about studying at King Edward's Witley?

At King Edward’s Witley, all the teachers who have taught me have had a genuine passion for their subjects. They have not just wanted me to pass my exams but also inspire me to want to know more about what I am learning. This comes in many different forms such as being taught radioactivity with skittles or learning chemistry with the “mole angel”!

What's your favourite memory from your time here at King Edward's Witley?

Every year I always love getting involved in House Music and this has formed many of my best memories of my time at KESW. A highlight for me would probably be winning the duet for 2023 House Music playing James Hill’s arrangement of Billie Jean for the imaginary band. The piece consisted of me playing the drums, bass and keyboard on the ukulele and one of my friends singing. After two dodgy rehearsals it all came together on the night and we really enjoyed performing it.

What are your hobbies?

Out of school I enjoy sparing at karate, playing cards, photography and going running. I love getting outdoors with my dogs when I am not at school.

What do you want to be when you leave King Edward's Witley?

I would like to go on and study medicine and become a doctor. I do not know exactly what specialty I will end up in but currently I am very interested in orthopedics. The reason I would like to pursue this career is that as well as my passion for Science, I also love engaging with people and problem solving.

What is your favourite film/book/song?

There are lots of books I have enjoyed but my favourite genre is non-fiction books, often of an auto-biographical style written by scientists and doctors. One of the best books I have ever read is “When breath becomes air” by Paul Kalanithi. This book is about a neurosurgeon’s journey facing terminal cancer. Kalanithi’s book offers a fascinating insight as to how we cannot control the duration of our lives, but we can control what we do with them.

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