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A Busy Term for QMH

16th December 2022

This term the main focus for QMH has been settling in (either for the first time, or back in after a lovely summer holiday) and integration. Integration includes our new pupils with our 2nd Formers but also integration of new rules, systems and expectations. It is a busy time within the lower school and QMH.

This term has been fun filled with pupils learning about the school, teachers and most importantly themselves as learners.

As we near the end of the term looking back there have been particular highlights of trips to the panto, ice skating, and an evening Christmas meal in combination with a traditional ceilidh. This is not to forget pupils fiercely competing in their weekly fixtures as well as fun with friends on boarding nights.

Mr Andrade

QMH Housemaster

Anita and Harry – Head Prefects of QMH:

“After coming up to two years of participating in QMH and seeing how it has flourished into a wonderful and welcoming community, I am very happy to say that this has been a great time spending time with friends, learning new subjects, being active and social to new pupils. 2nd Formers, it has been a pleasure to be with you in QMH and work to make it a better place for new coming pupils and the community overall.”

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